How To Design Scripts For Effective Cold Calling

4 min readApr 7, 2020


Cold calling is one of the most commonly used sales techniques, yet it is one of the most difficult ones to master. It is the least favorite amongst the salespeople as it is filled with rejection but it does guarantee success if done correctly. The thing that differentiates between an effective call and not so effective call is “Data”.And a seasoned tele-caller understands that the processed data about prospects, their pain points, achievements, and developments, can drastically improve the quality of their call.

Managing big data can be hard but it can be done efficiently with the use of agile communication and a lead management tool like NeoDove. NeoDove is one effective end-to-end tech-enabled sales communication and leads management platform. The platform provides you with real-time insights, offers complete transparency and control over the communication process and it can be accessed from any location at any given time.

NeoDoveDashboard — Telecallers performance

Creating a compelling cold-calling script

Introduce yourself and take permission

Be confident and energetic when you start the call and call the prospect by his first name to create familiarity. Introduce yourself properly and provide a brief overview of the company you work for and then take permission to proceed with the conversation. We do this because no one owes us their time or attention. Make it straightforward and tell them why you are calling but remember to keep it very short because this is not even the pitch

“Hi Mak! This is Neena from Neodove.How are you doing? We have a new tech solution that can help you to keep your sales team productive in these trying times of Covid. Is that something you’d like to hear more about?”

In case, you come across a gatekeeper, don’t assume they would directly connect you with the decision maker. Getting past the gatekeeper is itself a task. Never treat them as an obstacle

Probably you can use this script-

“Hi Jon! My name is Neena. I am wondering if you can help me. I am looking for a person who is in charge of InsideSales. What is the best way to make it happen?”

Don’t forget to thank him/her.

Use your positioning statement and move to (What’s in it for them?)

Put what you do in a single sentence.

“We help businesses empower their sales team by providing them with communication and leads management tools which maximizes the output of the sales efforts, provides real-time insights, and more control over the communication process.”

Now you pitch a value-based offer. You share your expertise, insights and demonstrate how some businesses have overcome their challenges by using your product and show them that you understand their challenges. For example:

“I understand that the lack of automation and high dependency on telecallers has led to delayed responses, broken sales processes or even worse missing out on potential leads.”

Touch the pain point, lead the question and answer every objection

Leads questions by asking open-end questions that will keep the conversation going. Get the prospect engaged in the conversation, listen carefully and gather data as much as you can.

Your open-end questions should:

  • Be precise enough to handle the objections
  • Help you gather relevant data that will ensure the success of the call
  • And assists with confirming the pain points which gives you the chance to offer potential solutions in return.

Here are some open-ended questions:

  • How is your business doing?
  • What is your biggest sales challenge for this year?
  • What measures did you take to cope with your sales challenges?
  • How much time do you spend following up with leads?
  • What results are you expecting to see from our solution?

The goal here is to position you as an expert in your field as you inform and educate them on what value you and your solution can provide.

Be bold and make plans for later

For a cold call, closing might be as simple as getting 5 minutes from the prospect’s time whenever he is ready for a follow-up. Making plans for later ensures you have a smooth and focused conversation where you know when and how to reach the prospect.

Some might assume that the more cold calls you make, the less you’ll need a script but that’s not true. The script is what helps you with steering the conversation. It is what keeps you prepared and well informed. And it is only of the things that guarantee you to perform well. read more




NeoDove is an end-to-end tech-enabled business communication and reporting platform. Meant for vertical and horizontal communication.